Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Day 13: A Tough Day

After a long day arguing with the Miller, I expected a relaxing day going home and collecting the rest of my belongings. However, Sir Elton John gave me one of the toughest days yet. He woke me up before the sun even rose and led me out to his quarters to clean and polish his weapons. When he first told me what I was going to do, I thought it would be a fairly easy and quick task. Boy, was I wrong. He gave me a tutorial on ways to polish every single crook and crevice. Then he left me by myself to finish the job. It took me three long and excruciating hours and a sliced finger to finish.

After I finished, I went looking for Sir Elton John to let him know that the task that he gave me was accomplished. I was expecting a "good job" or "way to go", but instead I was just given another task to prepare the horses, once again.

I cannot wait until this hard day ends. I guess I will not be able to go home today...

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