Friday, October 26, 2007

Day 7: The Joust

After my relaxing day of learning the Code of Chivalry I had tons of energy. I decided to put this energy into good use by working on my skills of the Joust. I asked my dear friend Louis if he would accompany me to the field and joust with me. After he graciously accepted we borrowed two horses from his master Sir Paul McCartney. We each grabbed a lance, a battle axe, and a sword and headed out for the field. We started on opposite ends of the field riding at each other at full speed. We did this three times for each weapon. My favorite weapon was the battle axe with which I easily defeated Louis. I was not very good with the lance and ended up losing to him. So, it all came down to the final weapon, the sword. On the first pass I struck Louis with a devastating blow,but he somehow managed to stay on his horse. The next pass I missed and he struck me hard in the chest causing me to lose my breath. On the final pass I was still struggling from the previous blow, however I noticed that Louis also seemed to be a little dazed from his previous hit. I realized that if I was patient I would have no trouble knocking him from his mount. So we headed towards each other at full speed. My excitement was building but I knew I had to remain calm. Louis was very aggressive and quickly swung when he got to me. This was a major error in his judgement as he completely missed me and left himself exposed. This was my chance. I reared back and swung as hard as I could and struck him across the stomach. This blow was more than he could handle and he fell backwards off his horse. I was VICTORIOUS!!! This was the first time that I had ever beaten Louis in the Joust.

When I returned home I saw that I had a message from Sir Elton John asking me to come to his castle for an interview. I am very excited to have an interview with such an excellent knight.

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