Thursday, October 25, 2007

Day 4: ChiLlin' with the OC

I woke up very late today because I am very upset about my rejection. I did not feel much like myself because I mostly just moped around and sat around my house. Even though I know I should start training harder, I did not.

However, when I went out into the busy streets of Market Day, I ran into the good ol' Oxford Cleric. I chatted with him for a little while and he invited me back to his own home. While we were sitting in his den, I asked the Oxford Cleric if he knew any good advice on how one could become a Knight, considering that the Oxford Cleric was one of the smartest men I know. I told him everything that I have done so far, such as taking care of horses, fetching the Knights' armor, and the daily rituals of being a Squire. He replied, "it takes a lot of time and practice to become a Knight. You seem to be doing everything right so far. Just be patient and work hard. You will soon be rewarded for your actions and hard work."

A little later on, I left his home with great advice and a better outlook on what is expected of a good Squire. I now realize that I have to have patience if I want to become a knight and I am now ready to work hard towards becoming one.

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