Monday, October 29, 2007

Day 9: I'm So Excited

I cannot sleep. I have too many mixed emotions for my first day as a squire for Sir Elton John. I'm nervous to be starting a new job away from my father. When I worked for him he did not criticize my every mistake. He took it easy on me some of the time when I messed up, but I don't think that Sir Elton will do this. I just hope that he does not yell at me too much or I might get very angry at him. I'm also very excited that I have finally found a job. I am glad that I no longer have to train by myself everyday, as it got pretty boring. I am also very excited because this job means that I am one step closer to my dream of being a knight. I hope that I can get some sleep so that I have energy for my first day.

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