Monday, October 29, 2007

Day 10: My First Day as Squire for Sir Elton John

Today was my first day serving as a squire for the noble knight, Sir Elton John. I truly am confident that he will help me complete my goal of becoming a respectable knight, just as he is. He started out the day by showing me around his castle. He showed me where his battle equipment, training gear, and horses were. He also showed me where I will be eating, resting, and cleaning myself up after a hard day's worth of work. To get my day of work started, I studied over the Code of Chivalry for about an hour's time. For me, studying the Code is very hard because I have trouble staying still and focusing on just one thing at a time. After that, I cleaned up his horses and called it a day. For the most part, today was pretty easy. I am looking forward to doing whatever Sir Elton John has me do tomorrow.

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