Thursday, November 1, 2007

Day 14: Home Sweet Home

This morning Sir Elton John allowed me to sleep in a little because he felt guilty about working me so hard yesterday. I went down to the dining area and joined him for breakfast. He told me that today I was able to have a relaxation day. I decided that today would be the best day for me to travel home and collect all of my personal belongings. I think I am going to ask Sir Elton John if I could just stay the night at my own house so I will be able to see my family and say goodbye to them.

On the way to my home, I ran into my best friend known as Peter Plowman. I have not seen him since I first began my training as a Squire. There is a very long story behind our friendship. We met at Squire Camp when we were both thirteen years of age and we both had a passion to be a Knight. We took many tests and worked very hard to be able to become a Squire. However, the Plowman did not work as hard as many other young trainees and his passion to become a Knight died. He did not follow through with the Squire Camp. Instead, he started shoveling poop as his main career. I am glad that we are still able to be friends.

After having a nice conversation with Peter, I made my way home...

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